AutoCAD Tutorials

  • How to input feet and inches in AutoCAD. Below are examples of lengths to be entered in AutoCAD, and how to enter them at the command line...

  • How to Write Toolbars in AutoCAD Menu Files The term menu file actually refers to the group of files that work together to define and control the appearance and functionality of the menu areas. The following table describes the AutoCAD menu file types.....

  • AutoLISP Lesson #1 - Introduction to AutoLISP Programming AutoLISP is a dialect of the LISP programming language (LISt Processing). LISP is the oldest high-level programming language, second only to FORTRAN. LISP has been the language of choice for the artificial intelligence in robotics. It is built into AutoCAD.

  • AutoLISP Lesson #2 - The AutoLISP Environment The AutoLISP environment is entered when AutoCAD receives a "(" symbol at the command line. When AutoCAD sees the opening parentheses, it runs the AutoLISP interpreter. The interpreter then evaluates...

  • AutoLISP Lesson #3 - Comments Why comment: In the lifecycle of a program there will be times when it is necessary to make changes, comments should be viewed as a revision and quality control function.

  • AutoLISP Lesson #4 - Program Format An AutoLISP program can be written many ways, but there are certain structural points that are common to all programs...

  • AutoLISP Lesson #5 - Variables Variables are used as the principle means to store values. Files may also be used to store values, but variables are what store values for short-term use....

  • AutoLISP Lesson #6 - Numbers and Letters AutoLISP uses a prefix notation for evaluating math expressions. The normal way you write equations is using an infix notation. If you wanted to add two numbers you would write it...

  • AutoLISP Lesson #7 - Program Control AutoLISP has many predefined functions to allow you to control your programs. Some of these functions are what are known as "relational" operators, and some are known as "conditional" operators....

  • AutoLISP Lesson #8 - Looping There are three basic styles of loops you can use, the first is the counting loop, the second is the continuously evaluating loop, and the third is the endless loop....

  • AutoLISP Lesson #9 - Data Structures All data structures in AutoLISP are list's. Everything in AutoLISP is a list, if it's not a function, it's a list. If it's a list, it's a data structure...

  • AutoLISP Lesson #10 - Input and Output The most important part of any program, other than the internal calculations that occur, will be the input / output section. These are the parts of your program that deal with getting Information from the user...

  • How to copy a plot file to a printer Plot files, you know end in a PLT extension, how do I copy them to the printer?